How Android for Work helps in Enterprise Mobile application?

December 8, 2016

Enterprise Mobile Application

The Android ecosystem has grown to 1.4 billion devices worldwide and more than 1 million Play Store apps, with many of those labels focused on customer usage. On the same note, mobile productivity has grown in importance and businesses are investing more on Enterprise apps or Enterprise Mobile Application for their work Android devices. Gartner says businesses spent $143 Billion in 2015 on application software across all platforms. Let us discuss how this amazing feature can help you with your enterprise mobility.

Personal and professional data separation

To make sure workers are not forced to use more than one device (one for personal use and one for official reason), EMM MDM protected all business data on Android for Work by encrypting and safeguarding it. For example, with Android for Work it is now possible for workers to run one Evernote profile for personal usage and another for official usage on the same Android device. This is a very smart change made by Mobility enterprise solutions to repackage their consumer tools to implement in the world of business.

No coding needs to be changed for existing apps

Android applications Developers do not need to make any changes to their existing apps for it to work on the Android for Work platform as EMM Solutions has made Android for Work functional with automatic containerization of apps.

Device Policy

With the Device Policy, enterprises are able to develop and maintain multiple work profiles. With this, app admins can manage trusted authorizations and permissions for USB devices. They can also modify system settings and enable or disable app components.

Android for Work support all older versions

Employees who are using bit older versions of Android do not have to update to the latest version. For those employees, Mobility systems and solutions has come up with Android for Work app which offers a similar experience across all versions


The Android for work is certainly an innovation towards the enterprise mobile management. Data security, flexibility and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approaches have become easy for enterprises with this innovation. However, Android for Work provides very basic features to cover up the responsibilities of a Mobile Device Management tools. If you are looking for professional support for your enterprise mobility plans, Android for Work is not enough for you.
