Technology is booming day by day, leading to an explosive growth in the mobile device industry. Moreover, the use of smart phones, tablets etc, is also on rise in the corporate world. Apart from the mobility advantage, these devices also provide better business growth. As the market of these devices is exponentially increasing, concerns about the safety of the sensitive corporate data, present on mobile devices, becomes increasingly challenging. To overcome these challenges, a term coined named Cloud Based Mobile Device Management MDM.
Cloud Based MDM Software
Cloud Based MDM is a software, which secures, monitor, manages, and supports mobile devices deployed across the enterprise. This includes both devices, whether its company-owned or employee-owned (BYOD), used at the workplace. An effective MDM solution not only allows enterprises secure data on, and configure settings of, mobile devices connected to the corporate network, it also reduces the operation costs. One of the important factors of MDM, that every businessman wants to figure out, is its main objective, is to provide data security to mobile devices and optimize their functionality and performance.
Components and Features
The main component of an enterprise MDM software, and mobile network operator, is OTA (Over-the-Air) programming capability. It helps remotely configure a single mobile device, or any IT-defined set of mobile devices., as well as send the software to the mobile device in one go. Moreover, wiping data on, and locking, the device remotely are the added features of cloud based Mobile Device Management. Moreover, if the user gets stuck somewhere, he/she can take help of the admin and get the issues fixed remote troubleshooting. There is no limit of mobile devices, that an enterprise can manage, and can include as many possible devices being used within the organization.
Observing closely, its a complete suite of features, which every enterprise wants, in order to enhance productivity and secure data. One shouldn’t be worried about it while deploying it in business, as it costs lesser and results in bigger revenue returns for the business. DeviceMax provides comprehensive Cloud Based Mobile Device Management solution to the businesses to secure, monitor & manage employees devices remotely.