Enterprise device management solution is a type of security software utilized by an IT dept to secure, monitor, control, and manage employee’s mobile devices. This includes laptops, tablets, and smartphones, deployed among the mobile workforce and using different service providers and operating systems. Enterprise MDM is a complete solution, combining technologies, procedure, and strategies used to control the utilization of smart mobile devices within an organization. Mobility management is required by any organization that deploys the use of mobile devices for its business operations. A mobile device management solution is often accompanied with some additional security layers and software to create a completely secure environment with EMM solution.
It hasn’t taken much time for smartphones and tablets to go from being useful enterprise gadgets to key utilities that organizations of all sizes need to accommodate. Be that as it may be, this frequent development does not bring with it, the level of organization & monitoring needed to satisfactorily keep up with the rising gadget use. This is required for organizations that are sufficiently low on budget or resources to work with an organized IT division.
That is the reason why the Enterprise Device Management solutions thrives, developed to handle and address these challenges. It’s generally a new section, just a couple of years old, and many service/software organizations are using MDM solutions for their needs. These suppliers are rapidly offering suitable solutions for organizations to monitor and keep up with their mobile device use.
Why Enterprises Need MDM?
Many companies are allowing their employees to work remotely while using their own devices without hampering their efficiency.
As a result, numerous companies are measuring the advantages of mobility against the logistical issues inherent by deploying a Mobile Device Management Tools.
There are a number of substantial benefits of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), including:
- Reduced hardware costs
- Increased employee’s proficiency and satisfaction
- Reduced trouble for IT department (since employees maintain their own devices)
- Reduced office space, as workers are mostly off-site
However, a major challenge with BYOD implementation is that these devices can possibly expose security vulnerabilities not specifically shared by the IT staff. Further, a corporate antivirus tool might also fail to detect these risks. This is where an enterprise device management solution comes in.
In case, you’re still doubtful if your organization needs to invest in such a solution, here are three basic points, where DeviceMax MDM helps instantly and enormously:
Security: MDM solution enables a complete control on employee devices in a number of ways to ensure higher data security. Moreover in case of device stolen or lost, an enterprise device management tool enables remote data wipe and device lock, so that the cooperate data doesn’t fall in wrong hands.
Ease of use: When a laptop or tablet is issued to an employee, the IT department installs a particular set of software, configuration and connectivity settings for every worker. However, many companies don’t follow the same for mobile devices, where an Enterprise mobile management proves to be useful to empower organizations, offering the required consistency for the whole staff.
MDM monitors who is using what device and what apps work on it. All the more imperatively, it gives an organization a control over the devices that allows them view the details of its use.
Cost Reduction: Enterprise device management empowers your organization to adopt Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace to save costs on buying devices for each employee. Reducing this hefty cost from your environment diminishes device maintenance expenses as well.
Thus, businesses need a solution that will help them control employee’s devices so they can opt to gain the benefits of mobile device use. DeviceMax mobility management solution provides a detailed supervision of corporate Android devices with easy to use interface and useful features.
Contact us to know how our solutions can simplify mobility for your business.