How Does MDM Helps In Asset Management?

March 25, 2017

Mobile Device Management

The use of smartphone and tablets is rapidly increasing in enterprises for better communication. However, it brings in the challenges of asset management and data security. Device loss or theft puts corporate data at the risk of being misused. Implementation of (MDM) Mobile Device Management solution can help get rid of such issues.

Asset Management

Your MDM administrator must maintain a list of devices to be managed which is your mobile asset inventory. However, an MDM solution dictates what your inventory management should furnish and how it should be maintained. The following points throw light on the same:

  • Details of device inventory
    The physical details you need to track about your asset inventory beyond the basics (Device ID, hardware model etc.) are crucial, but not easy to manage manually. MDM solution can help you record and generate report on related assets like removable memory and wireless adapters.
  • Inventory classification
    Classifying the inventory can help you categorize and manage your assets better. An MDM solution helps you classify inventory as per you needs.
  • Physical tracking
    MDM software can help you with real time tracking of your devices on the go. No matter, wherever your devices are, you can track them physically.

Data Protection

There is always a risk of losing valuable data at the endpoints. However, following are the ways MDM can help you enhance data security:

  • Data backup and restore policy setups
    If your device gets lost or stolen, you might end up losing all your corporate data with a risk of it getting leaked to third party. However, you can keep data backup at the cloud storage with the help of MDM and restore it when needed. MDM can also help wipe data through lock and wipe feature in case if it is required.
  • Data Encryption
    Your mobile devices might fall into wrong hands exposing your corporate data to those you do not intend to share it with. Data encryption can help you stop these unauthorized accesses. MDM allows data encryption with hardware or software settings to keep your data safe and secure.
  • Data flow tracking
    Tracking the data flow can help you get updated if some sensitive data is misused or copied to other devices. MDM controls and report sensitive document transfer during OTA synchronization or onto removable media.

Hence, if you are planning to make your asset management & data protection stronger than ever, Mobile Device Management can help you execute the same with the above mentioned points.
