How does Devicemax help your business?

MDM for Android POS Devices

mPOS (Mobile Point of Sale) systems have a dramatic adoption in the last 5 years. Their number is expected to reach 38 million by 2017. Android devices do more than legacy POS systems(cash registers) and they have features that should not be misused. Their most crucial concerns are security threats.

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Android MDM Solutions - The Smarter way to secure mPOS devices

DeviceMax MDM addresses security concerns and makes device management simpler and better


Device Remote

Silent app installation/

Multi tenancy
Administration Portal


Reports on Device
Health/ Data Usage

Remote App


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Supporting 150,000+ mobile devices through our DeviceMax Platform

Solutions Used across the

Why DeviceMax MDM?

DeviceMax MDM is a cloud based solution that minimizes business risks by enabling device and data security. It is a comprehensive solution to enhance workforce productivity and reduce costs. As your business grows, it helps expand mobility strategies and keeps complexity in control.

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Your Android mPOS device may circulate several hands bringing in the threats of data & device misuse, and unauthorized installation and use of applications. DeviceMax helps keeping it under control

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