How does Devicemax help your business?

VoLTE Device Entitlement Server

Resolve configuration issues and empower subscribers to access entitled services seamlessly.

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How It Works?

Automatic Device Detection

Automatically detect all the VoLTE handsets latched on to the network with the help of VoLTE device entitlement server. The process can be triggered by handset power-on or SIM card insertion.

Automatic Device Configuration

After detecting the device, device entitlement server helps to centrally and automatically authenticate VoLTE handsets, after which settings can be pushed to the devices on an XML file over the air (OTA).

Start Using Devices

After the successful configuration of VoLTE handsets, subscribers can start using their devices with VoLTE services. Customers can experience better call quality, faster connection time and more which enhance CX and increase service adoption.


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Accelerate Service Adoption

Authenticate VoLTE devices automatically and enable subscribers to enjoy services they are entitled to. DES helps customers to seamlessly benefit from VoLTE features such as conversational video, high definition voice, etc to increase customer satisfaction.


Reduce Overhead Costs

Due to lack of automatic device configuration, operators had to order handsets with a pre-provisioned VoLTE device client software hard-coded with settings that resulted in increased investments. DES simplifies authentication of VoLTE handsets and reduces overhead costs.


Enhance Customer Experience

DES enables telecom operators to gain competitive advantage over rival service providers by offering an efficient solution to solve handset configuration problems. It helps to unlock the true potential of VoLTE services.


Increase Revenue

Offer new services to VoLTE subscribers such as multi-SIM as well as provisioning companion devices including laptops, smart watches, smart watches, trackers and more which helps in increasing revenue.

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